Worldwide Testimonials

We receive “letters of learning” daily from new graduates of Shery Clein’s MindfulLiving™ course. This page shows some letters demonstrating the profound results possible with dedicated practice and study. This collection of learnings also allows graduates to get a sense of their fellow graduates, and reading a few of them can even serve as a “mini-refresher” of MindfulLiving™.

Below are excerpts from over 3,000 letters from new graduates I’ve received over the past few years.

At first, I could not believe an online self-learning course could be this effective. I was a bit sceptical about this format, but I was wrong. I’d always wanted to learn about mindfulness, but my circumstances prevented me from attending in-person classes. I thoroughly enjoyed doing it and have been raving about it to my friends. I also really appreciated the support from Shery Clein, my Coach, especially when I was going through a hard time. It helped to know that someone understood. This is the beginning of a lifelong journey…

I have been intermittently meditating for about 10 years and have been a yoga teacher for 3 years. I have read many books about meditation, but Shery Clein’s MindfulLiving™ course made it all come together in a way I had never experienced before. Participating in the course taught me how to manage whatever emotions arise, even in difficult situations skillfully. I feel more relaxed teaching yoga and meditation now and speaking from the heart profoundly and meaningfully.

Sharon E., North Carolina

I started the mindfulness journey thinking I was doing something to help me control my eating and lose weight. I also had done meditation2 and imagery, so I thought this would be very simple for me, and I would know most of what I would learn. What a shock for me! I have learned so much about myself and how I work with others… I’m Catholic, and I had not expected a more focused faith. I am now more in tune with my spiritual needs than I have ever been. This was/is an incredible experience that will be life-long for me…

Pam F., Wisconsin

I can say that taking this online 8-week Shery Clein’s MindfulLiving™ course has changed my life and my thinking. I had been struggling with depression, severe anxiety, and fear for many years, and I was looking for a different approach in how to come to terms with this. This course made me see the beauty of each present moment and how everything is so much more beautiful and profound in the now without the constant anxiety of the past and the future. For probably the first time,3 I learned how to be present. It, indeed, was a rebirth…

Neda J., United Kingdom

Shery Clein’s MindfulLiving™ training has profoundly changed my personal and professional life. I expected to have changes in my professional life by offering clients ways to be more. I didn’t expect mindfully, but I  had drastic intra-personal and inter-personal changes. This training has allowed me to be more present for my own family and have a better practice of loving kindness towards others and myself… There has been an apparent shift in my family. I feel we are more gentle with each other, more intimate and loving. This is a powerful practice…

Deborah S., Michigan

In my getting started page, I said I wanted to deepen and integrate my practice into my daily life. Now I know that life IS the practice. So, I am now excited about this journey! I am much lighter. I am happy. I am kinder to myself. I no longer feel that I have time for my practice because there are so many small ways to connect, and now I cannot imagine not taking time to sit. Now, my practice has fallen into a pattern, and I sit every morning at 8.305 am after taking the dogs out…

Claire A., Italy

I can honestly say your online course has changed my life. Four years ago, when I turned 37, I met a therapist who was God-sent. I found out then that I had PTSD. It all made sense to me and explained problems I’ve had since I was 10, but I felt that I was missing some tools to be in control and at peace finally. I heard about Shery Clein’s MindfulLiving™ then and found your online course. It was apparent to me that it was exactly what I needed. I have not had a single episode of depression or panic attack since completing the course three years ago…7

Farida A., France

When I started Shery Clein’s MindfulLiving™ Online Course, I had two initial goals, which were met abundantly. Still, I had a third major revelation, which was wholly unexpected and very mysterious. I have arthritis in my spine, torn cartilage in both knees and plantar fasciitis in both feet. I was used to feeling pain somewhere in my body all the time. It was just normal for me, and I didn’t even think of including pain reduction in my initial goals. But I am now pain-free and have been ever since Week 1. This program has changed my life for the better…

Jean C., Nova Scotia:

I’m a psychotherapist in an acute mental health hospital and private practice. As an experientially trained practitioner, I’ve invested a lot of time and energy in my work, and there was some resistance to “yet another discipline!!” However, the MindfulLiving™ course has already impacted my hospital and private practice. It’s also significantly impacted me, leaving me keen to maintain and evolve a personal practice that supports my life and gives me the benefits I’ve enjoyed since starting the course…

Nick R., United Kingdom:

I am a successful businesswoman with three graduate degrees and a type-A personality. Throughout my life, I have suffered from anxiety and occasional bouts of depression. I started the MindfulLiving™ program with an open mind but did not expect significant changes. My anxiety has nearly disappeared, and I have not been depressed for a while. I have become more sociable and accepting of others and myself. I have become more open-minded and less judgmental. My life is the same, but my perception has changed…

Marie F., New Jersey:

I have learned valuable life skills, but I am unsure where to begin. I have learned many techniques over the years, but the tools learned in this MindfulLiving™ course are the most practical, valuable, and applicable to everyday life and stressful situations. I have learned to be gentle, loving, firm, and strong. I have learned to remain calm amidst the chaos – like the Mountain that remains still. Above all, I will treasure this relationship I have developed with myself over the past 8 weeks…

Robyn S., South Africa:

I have been meditating daily for over a decade, have attended meditation retreats and classes, meditating with others, and have read A LOT about meditation. MindfulLiving™ was different for me, and I can’t explain it. I don’t know if it was the connection to others also taking the course or the readings and videos specifically chosen for me, the student, in mind. I feel like I now carry around inside of me a loving companion instead of a harsh critic and judge, and I can feel my self-compassion activating a deeper level of compassion for others…

Kathy B., Washington:

Before I started this class, I was full of fear, anxiety, bouts of depression, moodiness, anger, and sadness. My stress level was about a 9, completely self-induced and not caused by any one person or situation. With continual reading and varied practices, I was able to begin to let go of the fear, the anxiety, and the stress to allow faith and trust to lead the way. I’ve learned to speak kindly to myself and others, which is a gift. My life is entirely different now, eight weeks later. The stress level that I started with has decreased to a 3. I’m grateful for this training…

Mary F., Colorado:

The biggest thing I learned from this MindfulLiving™ course was realising, or maybe rediscovering, that the world is beautiful. It is pretty amazing. Paying attention and being in the moment makes that moment so much bigger, fuller, and more wonderful. The most ordinary things become just delightful. The other thing I discovered was the concept of compassion towards myself, not constantly trying to improve or better myself. I have a long way to go on that one, but the idea that I might just be as okay as I am in this moment feels liberating…

Gretchen H., Germany:

The year before taking MindfulLiving™, I became bedridden due to acute seizures caused by high amounts of stress, depression, and anxiety. I was pessimistic, hopeless, and insecure about what I would learn from MindfulLiving™. Surprisingly, in the first week, I recognised a massive shift in my abilities to complete tasks and comprehend my college coursework. Now, I’ve had an enormous decrease in seizure activity. I am much more loving towards myself and others, compassionate, aware, and, most importantly, less stressed about life’s ups and downs…

Angelica A., Indiana

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I lived a good life, but sometimes felt like walking in a dark cave. I was not in depression, but I was struggling to find where I was and who I was. I learned that love, generosity, solidity, kindness, and openness—all the qualities I had been looking for—are already inside me. Mindfulness has become an essential part of my life. Precisely speaking, it is not a ‘part’ but something that lives with me. Staying in the present moment is a delicate practice and process with a lot of joy. It is like a continual unveiling, discovering a beautiful flower inside a flower…

Bona Jaeun K., South Korea

I also completed an in-person 8-week MindfulLiving™ course and can confidently say that I learned more from Shery Clein’s MindfulLiving™ Online Course. I have been amazed at the generosity and depth of this program. I was in a car accident 2 years ago and found myself feeling entirely defeated and frustrated by the residual pain. This program helped me in numerous ways in dealing with these physical issues [as well as learning] how to deal with difficult emotions. Meditation continues to be a daily, sometimes more than once-a-day, a tool for me to stay centred and to handle difficulties as they arise…

Shelley H., Alberta

[As a result of this course], I share mindfulness with my patients at a psychiatric hospital. I am sure they benefit from having a therapist who has become a better version of herself—calmer, more attentive, a better listener, etc. Within my family, mindfulness has brought me even closer to my teenagers and my husband. Being more aware—whether of myself, them, or a situation—has led to more gratitude, quality time, and less distractibility. My house is even cleaner than a few months ago because mindfulness makes menial chores enjoyable (I can’t believe I’m saying that!)…

Debra K., Pennsylvania

I have been a serious meditator for almost 10 years now, but it was always a morning sitting session, and then I forgot about it until the following day. Shery Clein’s MindfulLiving™ Online Course helped me move toward something I’ve been yearning to do: extend my practice beyond the mat. I want to cultivate mindfulness my whole life, not just when on the meditation cushion. You’ve got quite a wealth of information, and I’ve already told many of my ‘mindful’ friends about your website…

Tommy B., Virginia

The most freeing thought came in the seventh week: I don’t need to get anywhere else to be happy. I don’t need to be an elite athlete; I don’t need to be perfect. This was a huge finding for me. When I read through my pre-course notes about my goals from this MindfulLiving™ course, I noticed all the goals were super-mind skills I wanted to learn: I tried to get a better mind to do everything better and eventually be happy…

Riikka K., Finland

My perspective on life has changed after taking the eight weeks of Shery Clein’s MindfulLiving™ Online Course. I recall lying in bed at night, and my mind would never stop planning and reviewing the present, past, and future. Living in the present moment with a still or quiet mind is so profound I cannot find the words to describe it. I experience pain pretty much all the time, but I do not feel like I am suffering. I have found peace and stillness in a world that never stops talking. Thank you. You saved another life…

Deborah S., Tennessee